Hello everybody (and Nexon). Just a note about this forum: it is dedicated mainly for Nexon to help point out glitches, problems, complaints, ect, but will also include training tips skill builds, and the such. Thank you for reading my blog. Note that I check the forums and website at least 5 times daily, I am a regular Tespia player, and I am pretty experience in the real game, so nothing posted here is meant to be wrong. All of the things posted here should be trusted.

I <3 Nexon!!!!!
Just a last note, If you have any questions for me, leave it in the comments. I would love to do another post on one of them.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Chaos is on!

Hello everybody,

As most of you know, Maplestory is back up! Now for the hard choice: Aran, Evan, or Dual blade? Here is a list of Pros and Cons.

No skill books required!
High damage
Good for mob training
Obviously super high potential
Attacks can hit behind you

Hard to level
Too many of them now

I feel no need to say anything about this. The forums have been buzzing about how sucky they are. Don't make a jumpstart evan.

Dual blade
Free skill books
Nice damage
New skills
Level moderately quickly

Skill book event lasts a month
Skill book effect lasts only a month
Only attack in one direction.

Overall, the best character to make is an Aran. While he may level slowly, you will get great results is you are patient. If you are not going to stick with him for long, choose dual blade.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Biggest complaints

After reading the forums some more, I found that the biggest and most common complaints were as follows:

when is it coming back on? 


Chaos is a Huge Failure

The day MapleStory Chaos comes out, ANOTHER MAINTENANCE arrives. I mean, they couldn't double check? This is worst than Big Bang so far.



any1 having the same problem?? i cannot play maplestory 

 So, Nexon, if you are reading this, speedy the things up! We can't wait all day. You guys have almost spent 24 hours on trying to fix this. I know that it is hard to do these mantainances, but you could at least give us an update about how it is going. It takes you 6 hours just to publish an update...

No offence Nexon. I really love your games. Your maintainances needa be stepped up though.

Nexon website issues

Over the course of a few hours, Nexon has been ridiculed at its failness. The game will probably be down for the whole day, and they didn't even give an estimate on when they would finish resolving the issue!

Now just a sidenote on SP resets, don't keep on blaming Nexon about them, I noticed a subject with about ten posts in  half an hour. It was ridiculing nexon about SP resets. Hot time is an absolutely stupid idea. Some people that work, or are not able to make it will not get the SP reset! This is completely unfair. Nexon said they were trying to "balance out the game" but with all these free SP resets for the people who are on all day they are just making the game even more unbalanced. There was a petition after the big bang about SP resets, 26 pages of complaining people. Well we sure don't want Nexon to get that unpopular *ehem*. Nexon, To sum it up, people are upset about the length of time it takes for the maintainances that Nexon gives, both the lengths and the unreliability, and they absolutely hate the unfairness of SP resets. People are also complaining that jumpstart characters can only be Aran, Evan, and Dual blade because Nexon is trying to make more money off skill books. I have to agree. And, who wants to create one of them if you can't even participate in the awesome new event?

Get it together Nexon, and show the world how awesome you can be. (I have already experienced it in Tespia ;)   )
Hello everybody! Today is the first day GMS had its chaos update, and all is going horribly!

No, seriously. They delayed the update by 5 hours, the servers completely crashed, and the forums are buzzing with excitement *cough cough*. Nexon has been doing this for a long time, delaying updates, having their servers crash, ect. But what I think you should do, Nexon, if you are reading this, is to increase your estimate of how ling the update is going to take. Then if the update goes smoothly, you can open it early, and you will gain popularity. I have personally had a lot of friends quit Maplestory because of the hackers, unreliability, ect. So if you are reading this Nexon, good for you. I will constantly read the forums and post ideas that I find along with my own on here.

I have also seen a large increase in hackers, mainly in party quest, such as Mu Lung Dojo, and in the free markets. Note that you may want to check there.

If any low-leveled people need help, my main character is called He1pMeNoT2, my secondary is He1pMeNoT3, and my cleric, which, quite frankly, needs a lot of help leveling up, is called He1pMeNoT1 (very ironic). I'm primarily located in Galacia (fail).

LOLz and ROFL until next time! And good luck to Nexon on fixing the update.